1993 - 2010 © Rusbalt
E-mail: rusbal@rusbal.ru

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Любое копирование текста и фотографий без письменного согласования с администрацией ЗАО НПП «Русбал» запрещено. Авторские права охраняются законом.

Standard still air figures (geostats)


If you have a limited budget, you might be interested in one of our standard figures, such as a cube, a cylinder, a horizontal cylinder and vertical garlands.
A light inside the air figure would make it look fuller, and removable advertising banners would enable you to use the construction in different advertising campaigns.


Designation: ТНс
Dimensions: 3 meter height
Price: from Negotiable rur.

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“Kaplia” (Drop)

Designation: ТНкт
Dimensions: 3 meter height
Price: from Negotiable rur.

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Designation: ТНкр
Dimensions: 5,3 х 5,3 х 6,0 m
Price: Negotiable rur.

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“Sphere -M” on a post

Designation: ТНсм
Dimensions: 2,5 meter diameter
Price: from Negotiable rur.

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“Sphere - P” for hanging

Designation: ТНсп
Dimensions: 2,5 meter diameter
Price: from Negotiable rur.

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Designation: ТНкп
Dimensions: 2,5 meter side
Price: from Negotiable rur.

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"Tumba" (Curbstone)

Designation: ТНт
Dimensions: 3 meter height
Price: from Negotiable rur.

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Designation: ТНц
Dimensions: 1 meter diameter
Price: from Negotiable rur. / m

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"Volshebniy Svet" (Magic light)

Designation: ВС
Dimensions: 3 meter height
Price: from Negotiable rur.

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