1993 - 2010 © Rusbalt
E-mail: rusbal@rusbal.ru

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Evacuation constructions


These constructions are designed for rescuing people from top floors of buildings when fire occurs and for stuntmen’s safety during performances.
Besides these constructions we also manufacture special trampolines popular among young extreme sports loving people.

"Cascade - 5"

Designation: UE-5
Dimensions: 5,0 х 5,0 х 2,5 m
Price: Negotiable rur.

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Designation: UE-16
Dimensions: 16,0 х 16,0 х 5,0 m
Price: Negotiable rur.

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Designation: UET-05
Dimensions: 2,7 х 8,6 х 7,6 m
Price: Negotiable rur.

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